Welcome to www.faint-fuzzies.de.
I am Robert Zebahl and together with my friend René Merting as guest observer we would like to present here our observations of various objects (René's observations are only available in German). They can serve as reference or inspiration. Even with binoculars countless objects are observable, as long as you are willing to push yourself to the limits.
The fascination of the starry sky with all its treasures accompanies me now since my youth. After the purchase of an 8 inch Dobsonian in September 2011 from René I focused mainly on partly faint galaxies. Some years later the love for refractors grew. Since then I also like to observe double stars. Currently, a 6-inch ED refractor is my largest telescope, while all reflectors have been sold. It is amazing what you can discover.
If you have any suggestions, questions or found some mistakes you can contact me via mail (see Contact).
The statistics show the number of observed objects and in parentheses the number of observations. Galaxies include here only single galaxies, no galaxy groups. Objects like carbon stars, variable stars or comets are summarized under 'Miscellaneous'.
Total | Robert Zebahl | René Merting | |
Double Stars | 1318 (2425) | 548 (778) | 1057 (1647) |
Asterisms | 160 (433) | 29 (39) | 156 (394) |
Open Clusters | 466 (1492) | 194 (397) | 431 (1095) |
Globular Clusters | 73 (428) | 45 (142) | 67 (286) |
Planetary Nebulas | 179 (564) | 130 (246) | 164 (318) |
Bright Nebulas | 101 (304) | 78 (139) | 61 (165) |
Dark Nebulas | 50 (99) | 8 (10) | 42 (89) |
Galaxies | 1972 (3386) | 1465 (1851) | 1048 (1535) |
Miscellaneous | 288 (533) | 233 (387) | 95 (146) |
4607 (9664) | 2730 (3989) | 3121 (5675) |
2024-02-09: sketched BU 537 & S 437 with 152mm ED refractor
2024-12-15: added 4 sketches by René M.:
- Kemble 1 (incl. NGC 1502)
- Kemble 3
- Cheshire Cat (incl. Messier 38 & NGC 1907)
- Pothier 8
2024-11-03: added former VdS projects:
- Swarovski STC (56mm spotting scope): Messier 36, Messier 37, Messier 38, STF 17, STF 28, STF 61 (65 Psc), STF 205 (gamma And) & STF 3058
- 152mm ED refractor: Messier 27, Abell 78, NGC 6928 & NGC 6930 (failed), NGC 6910, NGC 7063, NGC 7086, Barkhatova 1 & Barkhatova 2, STF 2664, U Lyr
- 33 inch Dobsonian: NGC 6802 & NGC 7479
2023-02-22: added a Gallery for all sketches
2023-02-05: observations with my 70mm ED refractor of the double stars STF 336, STF 431 (40 Per), STF 533, STF 1625 & SHJ 136
2022-11-06: from now on you can enjoy here also sketches by René Merting, e.g. of Melotte 20, NGC 404, Arp 166, NGC 2610 or omicron Cyg
2022-10-31: added all observations from September & October 2022
- 12x42 binoculars: Melotte 20, Messier 15, Messier 71, Messier 27, Messier 32, Messier 110, NGC 404 (failed), NGC 891 (failed), 30 Ari, STF 28, STF 239, STT 30, STFA 1
- 152mm ED refractor: Diamond Ring, Leiter 3 (The Gallows), Zürn 1, Messier 16 (cluster) & Messier 16 (nebula), NGC 188, NGC 7789, IC 3568 (sketched), Arp 114 = (NGC 2300 & NGC 2276 (Arp 25, failed), both sketched), STF 2579 (delta Cyg), STF 2583 (pi Aql), DRS 19 (phi Aql, failed), STF 343, STF 1694, STF 2801, STF 2873, HJ 1986
- 2022-09-16: observation of pi Aql with 102mm ED refractor
2022-08-11: added all observations made so far in 2022
- 12x42 binoculars: Messier 10 & Messier 12
- 16x70 binoculars: Messier 3 & NGC 5466, Messier 44, Messier 51 & NGC 5195 (= Arp 85), Messier 67, Messier 65 & Messier 66 & NGC 3628 (= Arp 317), Messier 81 & Messier 82, Messier 97, Messier 108, Messier 109, NGC 2022 (failed), NGC 3077, NGC 3193, NGC 3344 (failed), S 502, S 570 & S 571, STF 1276, STF 1415, STF 1520, STF 1603, STF 2588, STF 2607, STF 2707, STF 2731, STF 2757, STT 378, STT 383, STT 410, STTA 94, ARG 39, BU 155
- 63mm refractor: Castor
- 102mm ED refractor: STF 495
- 152mm ED refractor: Messier 35, NGC 1999, NGC 2266, STF 991, STF 1000, STT134 & WAL42, S 524, 3 Gem (failed), Dubhe (alpha UMa)
- 320mm Newtonian: NGC 1555 (failed)
2022-08-08: added all remaining observations from 2021
- 8x40 binoculars: Messier 76
- 12x42 binoculars: Messier 18, Messier 25, Messier 26, Messier 28, Messier 76, NGC 6934, NGC 6791, NGC 6712, NGC 6950, Barnard's E (B142 & B143), STF 2690
- 15x56 binoculars: Messier 56, Messier 71, NGC 6791, Harvard 20, Lorenzin 4
- 16x70 binoculars: Messier 13, Messier 57, Messier 76
- 102mm ED refractor: King 7 (failed), NGC 1528, NGC 891, NGC 898 & NGC 910 (both failed), NGC 1491
- 120mm refractor: Messier 3 & C/2021 A1 (Leonard) (sketched both together), NGC 7772, STF 269, STF 285, STF 3041, HO 216 (failed)
- 152mm ED refractor: Messier 26, NGC 6791, NGC 6712, U Lyr
2022-04-13: observations from 2021-10-07 with 16x70 binoculars of Messier 52, Messier 103, NGC 129, NGC 457, NGC 559, NGC 637, NGC 659, NGC 663, NGC 743, NGC 869 & NGC 884, NGC 7510, NGC 7789, Stock 2, Stock 5, ES 2583, H5 82 & STF 59, STF 230 & STT 23
2021-12-29: added all observations from August and September 2021
- naked eye: Messier 33
- 16x70 binoculars: Messier 2, Messier 40, Messier 72, Messier 73, NGC 6891, NGC 6938, NGC 6905, NGC 6934, NGC 6950, NGC 7006 (failed), NGC 7009 (Saturn Nebula), NGC 7331, Renou 14, STF 2664, STF 2679, STF 2690, STF 2703, STF 2718, STF 2725, STF 2727 (gamma Del), STF 2738, STF 2894, STT 469, S 788, HJ 975
- 63mm refractor: NGC 7009 (Saturn Nebula), STF 2624, STT 437
- 70mm ED refractor: STF 2351, STF 2362, STF 2624
- 102mm ED refractor: NGC 6928 & NGC 6930 (both failed), STF 1991, STF 2690, STT 371
- 152mm ED refractor: Lorenzin 1 (Spermatozoon), Mayall II (G 1), NGC 6905 (Blue Flash Nebula), NGC 7009 (Saturn Nebula), Henize 1-4, NGC 7332 & NGC 7339, Trumpler 1, eta Cas, STF 2690, STF 2725, STF 2727 (gamma Del)
2021-07-26: added all observations from April to July 2021
- 16x70 binoculars: Markov 1, Picot 1 (Napoleon's Hat), NPP (Norman's Passing Pair), NGC 6811, Messier 92, NGC 6229, Porrima (failed), mu Boo, 16 Cyg, 61 Cyg, STF 1964, STF 1965 (failed), STF 2032, STF 2044, STF 2079, Messier 57, NGC 6210, NGC 6826
- 70mm ED refractor: Messier 82, Messier 95, Messier 96, Messier 105, NGC 2787, NGC 3077, NGC 3367 (failed), NGC 3371, NGC 3377, NGC 3412, NGC 3489 (failed), Porrima, 54 Leo, STF 1280, STF 1415, STF 1442, STF 1482, STF 1537, STF 1565, STT 228
- 102mm ED refractor: epsilon Boo, STF 1843, STF 1863, STF 1871, STF 1889, STF 1890 (39 Boo)
- 120mm refractor: NGC 4214, 2 CVn, STF 1606, STF 1632, STT 241
- 152mm ED refractor: theta CrB (failed), gamma CrB (failed), 17 Cyg (sketched)
2021-03-15: added all remaining observations beginning from January 2021
- 8x40 binoculars: NGC 1499 (California Nebula, failed)
- 16x70 binoculars: Trapezium (theta 1 Ori), iota Boo (STFA 26), STFA 19 (tau Leo), STTA 116, STF 924 (20 Gem), STF 1035, STF 1108, STF 1540 (83 Leo), STF 1529, STF 1565, STF 1575, STF 1582, STF 1591, STF 1829, SHJ 70 (15 Gem), Messier 35 & NGC 2158, Messier 36, Messier 37, Messier 38 & NGC 1907, Messier 51 & NGC 5195, Messier 63, Messier 65, Messier 66, Messier 81, Messier 82, Messier 94, Messier 106, NGC 2266, NGC 2392 (Eskimo Nebula), NGC 3077, NGC 4449, NGC 4490, NGC 5033 (failed)
- 70mm ED refractor: Trapezium (theta 1 Ori)
- 120mm refractor: Sirius (failed)
- 152mm ED refractor: Barnard 33 (Horsehead Nebula, failed), Messier 41, Messier 46, Messier 47 & STF 1121, Messier 51, Messier 65, Messier 66 & NGC 3628, NGC 2438, Minkowski 1-18 (failed), Rosette Nebula & NGC 2244, NGC 2261 (Hubble's Variable Nebula)
- 254mm Newtonian: Barnard 33 (Horsehead Nebula)
2021-03-12: added all observations from October, November & December 2020
- 8x44 binoculars: psi 1 Psc (STF 88), 77 Psc (STF 90), 59 And (STF 222), STF 764, 30 Ari (STFA 5), lambda Ari (H5 12) & pi And (H5 17)
- 16x70 binoculars: STF 219, STF 239, STF 434, STF 476, STF 519 & S 445, STF 587, STF 681, STT 30, STTA 44, S 430 & NGC 1708 (failed)
- 102mm ED refractor: Mars (sketched), STF 28, STF 40, STF 47, STF 52, STF 102, STF 154, STF 179, STF 434 (sketched), STF 443, STF 519 & S 445 (both sketched together), STT 21, STT 66, STT 359, 50 Per (STT 531), phi And (STT 515), pi And (H5 17) & HJ 2010
- 152mm ED refractor: Mars (sketched), VY And & WW Cas, NGC 1907, IC 2149, phi And (STT 515), NGC 404 (Mirach's Ghost) & NGC 7662 (Blue Snowball)
2021-02-10: added all observations from September 2020
- 16x70 binoculars: 29 Cyg & delta Cep
- 70mm ED refractor: Cheeseburger Nebula (NGC 7026)
- 152mm ED refractor: Egg Nebula, Cheeseburger Nebula (NGC 7026), NGC 6894, NGC 7317, NGC 7318A & NGC 7318B, NGC 7319 (failed), NGC 7320, NGC 7331, NGC 7335, NGC 7336 (failed), NGC 7337, NGC 7340, NGC 7479 & Berkeley 52 (failed)
2021-01-06: added all observations from August 2020 using mainly my 16x70 binoculars, but also my new APM 152/1200mm ED refractor of Messier 27, Messier 56, Messier 57, Messier 71, NGC 6939 & NGC 6946 (both not seen with binoculars), STF 2664, STF 2687, STF 2690, STF 2691, STF 2703, STF 2769, STF 2832, STT 413 (lambda Cyg) & STTA 254 (WZ Cas)
2020-12-30: added all observations from July 2020 mainly using my 16x70 binoculars and my 70mm ED refractor of EHR 16 (lambda Aql), SHJ 282, STF 1258, STF 1321, STF 2280 (100 Her), STF 2259, STF 2470 & STF 2474, STF 2486, STF 2655, STF 2691, STFA 43 (Albireo), STFA 50 (omicron Cyg), BLL 49 (U Cyg), Messier 13, Messier 57 and C/2020 F3 (Neowise) (including 2 sketches)
2020-12-20: added all observations from May & June 2020 of BLL 49 (U Cyg), STF 2264 (95 Her), STF 2308 (40/41 Dra), STF 2333, STF 2483, STF 2525, STF 2666, STF 2758 (61 Cyg) & STTA 181
2020-12-06: after a long time I managed to add all remaining observations from April 2020 mainly using my 70mm ED refractor and 152mm refractor, which include a lot of double stars like BU 105 (kappa Leo), S 656, SHJ 191, STF 1193, STF 1362, STF 1786, STF 1789, STF 1838, STF 1850, STF 1864 (pi 1 Boo), STF 1888 (xi Boo), STF 1931 & STF 2273, but also some classic deepsky objects like Messier 97, Messier 108, NGC 4626, NGC 4636, NGC 4643, NGC 4697, NGC 4699, NGC 4753, NGC 4861 (Arp 266, failed), NGC 4912, NGC 4956, NGC 5068, NGC 5084 & NGC 5170 (failed)
2020-11-17: observations from April 2020 with my 70mm ED refractor of the double stars STF 1312, STF 1321, STF 1346, STF 1349, STF 1350, STF 1427, STF 1460, STF 1544, STF 1546, STF 1553, STF 1561, STF 1600 & STF 1608
2020-09-27: observation with my 70mm ED refractor from April 2020 of STF1890 (39 Boo), Messier 97, Messier 108, NGC 4244 & NGC 4490
2020-09-26: observation with my 70mm ED refractor from April 2020 of the double stars STF 922 (sketched), STF 925 (not split), STF 1038, STF 1122 (sketched) & STF 1127 (sketched) and the galaxy NGC 2403
2020-09-25: observation with my 70mm ED refractor from April 2020 of the double stars STF 1505, STF 1559 (sketched), STT 189 (not split) & ES 593
2020-09-25: observation with my 152mm refractor from April 2020 of STF 1331 (sketched) and the galaxies NGC 2742 (= NGC2842) & NGC 2880
2020-09-04: observation of Mizar from April 12, 2020 with apertures between 10mm and 70mm at magnifications of 10x & 12.5x with the intention to find the minimum magnification for a successful separation.
2020-09-02: observation of Arp 215 (NGC 2782) with my 152mm refractor under urban conditions
2020-09-02: further observations from April using my 70mm ED refractor of the double stars BU 1077 (alpha UMa), STF 1321, STF 1347, STF 1348, STF 1351 (23 UMa), STF 1355, STF 1415, STF 1447, STF 1448, STF 1520, STF 1561, STF 1603, STF 1744 (Mizar), STF 1830/1 (sketched), STTA 104 (sketched) and S 612 & ARN 3 (42 LMi, sketched)
2020-08-31: further observations from April using my 8x40 binoculars and 55mm refractor of the double stars 67 UMa, BGH 46, S 656, SHJ 191, STF 1579 (65 UMa), STF 1678, STF 1744 (Mizar, not split with 8x40 binoculars), STF 1831, STF 1850, STFA 23 (32 Com) & STFA 26 (iota Boo, not split with 8x40 binoculars)
2020-08-31: added older observations using my 70mm ED refractor of the double stars STF 1596 (2 Com), STF 1633, STF 1639, STF 1657 (24 Com), STF 1678 & STF 1685 (sketched)
2020-08-30: added older observations using my 70mm ED refractor of the double stars STF 1374, STF 1476 (40 Sex), STF 1504 (not split), S 617 (sketched) and CSN 7 (WX UMa, not identified)
2020-08-22: some older observations mainly using my 102mm ED refractor of the double stars STF 1504, STF 1517, iota Leo (STF 1536, sketched) and the galaxy NGC 3521
2020-06-19: observations with my 102mm ED and 152mm refractor under suburban conditions of the double stars epsilon Hya, Algieba, STF 1517 & STF 1537 and the galaxy NGC 3646 (failed)
2020-04-10: observations with my 70mm ED refractor under suburban conditions of NGC 3486 and the double stars STF 1196 (zeta Cnc, sketched), STF 1245 (sketched), STF 1273 (epsilon Hya, failed), STF 1424 (Algieba), STF 1521, STF 1755 & STT 195
2020-04-09: quite a lot of observations with my 102mm ED refractor of Abell 12 (sketched), NGC 2649 (failed), NGC 2683 (sketched), UGC 3445 & UGC 3446 and the double stars A 1575 (failed), STF 946 & STF 948 (both sketched together), STF 958, STF 1001, STF 1033 (sketched), STF 1050 & STF 1062 (both sketched together), STF 1294, STF 1296 & STF 1298
2020-04-05: observations with my 152mm refractor of the double stars A 1575, STF 946 & STF 948 (12 Lyn, triple system), STF 1001 (triple system, sketched), STF 1062 (19 Lyn), the galaxy pair UGC 3445 & UGC 3446 and IC 2166 (failed)
2020-04-04: observation with my 152mm refractor of STF 1350 & C/2019 Y4 Atlas (both in the same FOV; sketched) and again 25 CVn
2020-04-03: observation of 25 CVn (with different aperture masks) and STF 1523 (Xi UMA, Alula Australis) with my 102mm ED refractor
2020-03-25: observation of NGC 5005 and STF 1523 (Xi UMA, Alula Australis) under urban conditions with my 70mm ED refractor
2020-03-25: observed with my 102mm ED refractor the double stars STF 928, STF 941, STF 974 (59 Aur), STF 1081 and the carbon stars NQ Gem & UU Aur
2020-03-09: observation of STF 1768 (25 CVn) with my 102mm ED refractor
2020-03-04: observation of STF 1171 with my 102mm ED refractor
2020-03-04: observed with my 120mm refractor two new galaxies in UMa under urban conditions: NGC 3583 & NGC 4605
2020-03-03: observations with my 70mm ED refractor of the double stars STF 1177 (17 Cnc), STF 1187 & STF 1695 and of the carbon stars CR Gem & TU Tau
2020-01-21: observed IC 2149 with my 70mm ED refractor
2020-01-21: observation with my 102mm ED refractor of NGC 2264 (Christmas Tree Cluster) & NGC 2261 (Hubble's Variable Nebula)
2020-01-19: observation of Beteigeuze, BU 560, STF 698 & STF 719
2020-01-13: observations with my 102mm ED refractor and 152mm refractor of the double stars STF 295 (84 Cet), STF 559 & STF644
2020-01-13: observations of further double stars with my 70mm ED refractor: STF 753 (26 Aur), BU 560, BU 1053, STF 559, STF 572, STF 616 (omega Aur), STF 644 (recommended), STF 699, STF 719, STF 730 (recommended), STF 749, STF 764, STF 1258, STF 1306 (sigma 2 UMa) & STF 1315 and additionally the pretty orange star V362 Aur
2020-01-02: observation of Messier 37 with my 152mm refractor and the double stars STF 479, STF 494 & STF 742 with my 102mm ED refractor and 152mm refractor
2020-01-02: observations with my 102mm ED refractor of STF 295 (84 Cet, not split), STF 668 (Rigel) & STF 1066 (delta Gem)
2020-01-02: further observations with my 152mm refractor of BU 1008 (eta Gem, Propus), STF 924, STF 928 & STF 929, STF 957, STT 147, STT 167 (not split) and Messier 1, NGC 2158 & UU Aur
2020-01-02: double star observations with my 70mm ED refractor of STF 924 (recommended), STF 1007 & HJ 3288 (sketched both together), STTA 63, STTA 80 (sketched), STTA 83, STTA 89 and STF957 & STT167 (both too faint for splitting)
2020-01-01: double star observations with my 70mm ED refractor of STF 174 (1 Ari), STF 227 (iota Tri) & STF 232 (sketched both together, very nice!), STF 291, STF 311 (pi Ari) and STFA 5 (30 Ari)
2020-01-01: sketched the moon (Cardanus & Krafft) with my 102mm ED refractor
2019-12-30: added observations made in November with my 70mm ED refractor of HU 544, STF 389, STF 419, STF 644, STT 59 & WDK 1 (not identified)
2019-12-30: added observations made in November with my 152mm refractor of AC 14, COU 240, Lassell 1, STF 73 (36 And), BU 533, BU 535 (omicron Per, Atik), HU 103, HU 544 (sketched), STF 268, STF 272, STF 314, STF 360, STF 369, STF 391, STF 425, STT 44 & STT 59
2019-12-17: added a second attempt with my 152mm refractor on Kruger 60
2019-12-15: some observations of doublestars in the early morning with my 70mm ED refractor: STF 1268 (iota Cnc), STF 1282, STF 1289, STF 1291, STF 1298 & STF 1318
2019-12-15: observed further doublestars with my 70mm ED refractor: STF 268, STF 301, STF 360, STF 369 & STF 391
2019-12-14: observed some doublestars with my 70mm ED refractor: STF 12 (35 Psc) & STF 22 (38 Psc), STF 46, STF 98, STF 136 (100 Psc), STF 155 (sketched), STF 2797 (KP Peg), STF 2804, STF 2841, STF 2861, STF 3061 and STT 494
2019-11-12: observed with my 102mm ED refractor under urban conditions the doublestars A 193 (not split), A 968, A 1487, A 1528, AC 1 (very nice), BU 728, ES 2076 (not split), HLD 56, HO 306, STF 73 (36 And), STF 141, STF 149 & STT 509
2019-10-15: observed with my 70mm ED refractor the doublestars STF 2848, STF 2854, STF 2968, STF 2974, STF 2978 & STF 3044
2019-10-05: observed with my 70mm ED refractor the doublestars STF 2737 (epsilon Equ), STF 2742, STF 2765, STF 2786 & STF 2793 and additionally with my 152mm refractor Kruger 60
2019-10-05: observed STF 464 (zeta Per), NGC 6543 & NGC 609 with my 102mm ED refractor under dark skies
2019-09-23: observed with my 152mm refractor the doublestars STF 72, STF 104, STF 108, STF 205 (gamma And), STTA 11 & STTA 17 / BKO 10 and additionally tried NGC 891, but failed
2019-09-22: observed with my 152mm refractor under rural skies C/2018 W2 (Africano) (sketched), IC 166, NGC 609 (sketched) & Hickson 92
2019-09-21: observed NGC 266 under suburban conditions (Bortle 6) with my 152mm refractor
2019-09-15: observed some doublestars with my 152mm refractor: STF 7, STF 262 (iota Cas), STF 3062 & KR 11
2019-09-07: observed some tight double stars with my 152mm refractor: BU 167 (now split), H1 48, STT 386 & STT 410 (sketched)
2019-09-05: observed some double stars with my 152mm refractor: BU 67 & BU 167 (both not split), STF 2461 (17 Lyr), STF 2496, STT 403 and STT 426 (60 Cyg)
2019-09-03: observed SHJ 282 with my 70mm ED refractor
2019-08-26: observed with my 70mm ED refractor the doublestars STF 48, STF 262 (iota Cas, sketched) & STF 3049 (sigma Cas, sketched)
2019-08-23: observed and sketched with my 102mm ED refractor the doublestars WZ Cas & omicron Cyg (STFA 50) and the carbon star U Cyg
2019-08-18: sketched Mizar & Alcor using my 102mm ED refractor
2019-08-07: observed with my 55mm refractor the doublestars STFA58 (delta Cep), STF 2675 (kappa Cep) & STF 2863 (xi Cep)
2019-08-07: observed with my 70mm ED refractor the doublestars STF 2351, STF 2486, STF 2578, STF 2579 (delta Cyg), STF 2605 (psi Cyg), STF 2671, STF 2789 (sketched), STF 2840 & STT 437
2019-08-07: observation with my 102mm ED refractor of Messier 56 & Messier 57 (sketched)
2019-08-06: observed with my 70mm ED refractor the doublestars STF 2032 (sigma CrB), STF 1954 (delta Ser), STF 2021 (49 Ser), STF 2054 & STT 312 (both not split) and Messier 11
2019-08-04: sketched Jupiter (2019-07-22) using my 70mm ED refractor
2019-07-11: observed with my little 70mm ED refractor the doublestars 15 Aql, CSN 12 (nothing seen), lambda Aql (not split), STF 2404, STF 2449 & STF 2644
2019-07-01: observed with my 102mm ED refractor the doublestars 6 Ser (BU 32, not split), zeta Her (sketched), STF 2308 (40/41 Dra, sketched) & STFA 35 (24/25 Dra)
2019-06-29: observed mu Dra with my 102mm ED refractor
2019-06-26: observed with my 102mm ED refractor the doublestars gamma Her, zeta Her (sketched), epsilon Lyr (sketched), STF 2054 (sketched) & eta Dra (sketched), STF 2470 (sketched) & STF 2474 (sketched) and lambda Cyg
2019-06-23: sketched with my 102mm ED refractor the doublestars beta Lyr, STF 2349, delta Her & STF 2098
2019-06-19: observed with my 70mm ED refractor the doublestars beta Lyr & epsilon Lyr
2019-06-10: observed the doublestars alpha Her (Ras Algethi), mu Her, 52 Her, 90 Her & STF 2224
2019-05-19: observed with my 55mm refractor the double stars STF 1110 (Castor), STF 1670 (Porrima), STF 2161 (75 Her, rho Her), STF 2078 (16/17 Dra, sketched) & STF 2323 (39 Dra, sketched)
2019-05-09: observed with my 70mm ED refractor the double stars SHJ 145 (Algorab, delta Crv), SHJ 146, STF 1670 (= Porrima), STF 1724 (= theta Vir, 51 Vir), STF 1734, STF 1740 & STF 1788
2019-05-02: observed with my 102mm ED refractor the double stars STF 1670 (= Porrima, highly recommended) and SHJ 146 (nice color contrast)
2019-05-01: observed Messier 3 with my 152mm refractor and sketched Messier 64 using my 102mm ED refractor and 152mm refractor
2019-04-29: observed with my 102mm ED refractor NGC 4565, Messier 64, Messier 53 & Messier 13
2019-04-21: observed some doubles with my 102mm ED refractor: iota Cnc (= STF 1268), 24 Com (= STF 1657), STF 1835, STF 1884, STF 1886, STF 1964, zeta 2 CrB (= STF 1965) & STT 298
2019-04-18: sketched the moon (Seleucus) with my 102mm ED refractor
2019-04-17: sketched the moon (Vallis Schröteri) with my 102mm ED refractor
2019-04-16: sketched the moon (Mercator and C. Herschel & Heis) using my 102mm ED refractor
2019-04-10: sketched the sun (AR12738) using my 70mm ED refractor
2019-04-07: observation with my 102mm ED refractor under urban skies of R Leo, Frosty Leo Nebula, STF 1426 (AB-C & AB), 35 Sex (= STF 1466) & STF 2034
2019-04-05: Skyguide 2019 I (Spring) released
2019-04-05: first observations with my new 102mm ED refractor under less good conditions of Messier 3, zeta Cnc (= STF 1196) & mu 2 Boo (= STF 1938, nice triple system, sketched)
2019-04-05: observations with my 70mm ED refractor under Bortle 6 skies of Messier 3 (sketched), epsilon Boo (= STF 1877), 39 Boo (= STF 1890) & mu 1 Boo (= STFA 28)
2019-04-04: sketched the sun using my little 55mm refractor
2019-04-04: observed the double stars STF 1399, STF 1431, STF 1450 (= 49 Leo), STT 215 & STF 1692 (= Cor Caroli) with my 70mm ED refractor
2019-04-04: sketched the full moon with naked eyes
2019-03-10: observed under a Bortle 6 sky with my little 55mm refractor the doubles gamma Leo (= STF 1424, colored sketch), 83 Leo (= STF 1540) & tau Leo (= STFA 19, colored sketch), 90 Leo (= STF 1552, sketch) sowie 88 Leo (= STF 1547)
2019-03-10: sketched Arp 94 under Bortle 6 skies using my 8 inch Dobsonian
2019-03-02: sketched Messier 44, Messier 94 & NGC 2903 under Bortle 6 skies using my 70mm ED refractor
2019-03-02: sketches with my 120mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies of NGC 2266, NGC 2420, NGC 2419, Leo-Triplett (Arp 317, M65, M66 & NGC3628), Messier 81 & Messier 82, NGC 1931, Messier 67, CR Gem (carbon star), zeta Cnc (= STF 1196, triple star, highly recommended!) and observation of NGC 2304 & NGC 3810
2019-02-24: observed kappa Gem (= STT 179) with my 120mm refractor
2019-02-19: observed with my 70mm ED refractor some doubles in Gemini: STF 899, STF 1083, STF 1094, STF 1140 & kappa Gem (= STT 179, not split)
2019-02-17: sketched Mons Rümker using my 63mm Telementor
2019-02-17: observed the moon with my 55mm refractor and sketched Herodotus A
2019-02-16: observed the moon with my 55mm refractor and sketched Bullialdus
2019-02-16: observations with my 55mm refractor of the double stars epsilon Mon (= STF 900), 54 Leo (= STF 1487), 38 Gem (= STF 982) & 55 Gem (= STF 1066)
2019-02-10: observed some double stars with my 55mm refractor and sketched them: 32 Eri (= STF 470), Algieba (= STF 1424, gamma Leo), STF 1579 (= 65 UMa) & xi UMa (= STF 1523, Alula Australis)
2019-02-09: observed with my 152mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies Abell 10 (failed), Abell 12, Jonckheere 320, NGC 2371/2 (sketched), NGC 2392 (sketched) & Alula Australis (= xi UMa, double star) and additionally also observed with my 55mm refractor the double star 32 Eri (highly recommended)
2019-01-23: observed the following double stars with my 63mm refractor (Telementor): STF 948 (= 12 Lyn, sketched), STF 1333 & STF 1334 (= 38 Lyn, sketched)
2019-01-22: observed again STF 948 (= 12 Lyn) & STF 668 (= Rigel) and sketched both using my 55mm refractor
2019-01-21: further observations of double stars with my 70mm ED refractor: STF 948 (= 12 Lyn, highly recommended, sketched), STF 958, STF 1009, STF 1050, STF 1062 (= 19 Lyn), STF 1065 (= 20 Lyn), STT 174 & STF 668 (= Rigel)
2019-01-20: observation of the following double stars with my 70mm ED refractor: SIN 128, STF 616 (= 4 Aur), STF 648, STF 666, STF 716 (= 118 Tau), STF 736, STF 982 (= 38 Gem) & STT 545 (= 37 Aur)
2019-01-20: observed the double star epsilon Per (= STF 471) with my 63mm refractor
2019-01-06: Skyguide 2018 IV (Winter) released
2019-01-03: sketched NGC 2281 with my 120mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies
2018-12-08: sketched Messier 34 & Messier 103 using my 120mm refractor under moderate suburban conditions
2018-11-28: sketched Messier 38 using my 120mm refractor under suburban conditions
2018-11-27: added my first sketch of Mars done with my 70mm ED refractor
2018-11-21: observed the double stars STF 331 and STF 3053 with my 63mm refractor (Telementor)
2018-11-21: sketched Messier 36 with my 63mm refractor (Telementor) and Messier 45 with my 55mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies
2018-11-21: observations under Bortle 6 skies of AQ And with my 8 inch Newtonian and of the double stars STF 24 & H5 12 (lambda Ari) with my 70mm ED refractor
2018-11-21: observed under Bortle 6 skies with my 63mm refractor (Telementor 1) the double stars 1 Ari, STF 178, STF 205 (gamma And), STF 212 & STF 249 and with my 8 inch Newtonian the galaxy NGC 393 and the planetary nebula Minkowski 2-3 (not seen)
2018-11-18: observed under Bortle 6 skies with my 55mm refractor Messier 1 & Messier 37 and some double stars in Auriga: STF 648 (AB), STF 666, STF 669, STF 699 (AB), STF 718 (AB), STF 764, STF 796 (AB), STF 845 (AB) (= 41 Aur), STF 872 (AB), STF 918 (AB) & STF 994 (AB)
2018-11-18: sketched Aristarchus (Moon) using my 70mm ED refractor
2018-10-14: observations with my 152mm refractor under Bortle 4 skies of Messier 76 (sketch), NGC6992/5 (sketch), NGC 6960 (sketch) and NGC 1502 (sketch)
2018-10-14: observations with my 120mm refractor under Bortle 4 skies of Messier 76 (sketch), NGC6992/5 (sketch), NGC 6960 (sketch) and Jones 1
2018-10-14: observation of Messier 76 with my 120mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies
2018-10-13: observations with my 8x40 binoculars and 55mm refractor of the double stars STF 219, STF 239, STF 3050, STF 485 AE (SZ Cam), STF 222 (59 And), STF 79 (164 And), BU 483, STF 3042 & STFA 1
2018-10-13: observations with my 55mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies of NGC 1502, Messier 31 (naked eye), Messier 33, Messier 76, NGC 404, NGC 147, NGC 185 & NGC 278
2018-10-03: Skyguide 2018 III (Autumn) released
2018-10-02: observed with my 152mm refractor the (erroneous?) double star LEP 103 and the carbon star S Cep
2018-10-02: observed some easy double stars in Cep with my 55mm refractor: STF 2840, STF 2873, STF 2903, STF 2947 & STF 2971
2018-09-30: observed the double star alpha Her (STF 2140) with my 55mm refractor
2018-09-30: observation of NGC 6229, Messier 81 & Messier 82 with 8x20 binoculars under dark skies (Bortle 3-)
2018-09-28: added a rough sketch of the sun from 2018-09-08 using my 152mm refractor
2018-09-23: observed the open cluster NGC 752 with the unaided eye under Bortle 3 skies
2018-09-19: observations with my 70mm and 152mm refractor under dark skies of 100 Her, NGC 6229 (observed also with 12.5 inch), Messier 76 (incl. sketch), Abell 4 (failed) and the Veil Nebula incl. sketch (NGC 6960, NGC 6992/5 & IC 1340, Pickering's Triangular Wisp)
2018-09-16: did observations with my 152mm refractor under pretty dark skies of Palomar 8, Palomar 9 (NGC 6717, also successfully observed with my 70mm refractor), Palomar 11 (failed), Abell 39, NGC 6802, NGC 6814, NGC 6819, NGC 6822, NGC 7006, NGC 7025, French 1, IC 1311 (failed), NGC 99 & NGC 100
2018-08-21: added sketch of crater Capuanus
2018-08-19: Since I started with sketching I now present all my sketches on this website, which includes also the solar system.
2018-08-18: observations with my 152mm refractor under suburban skies (Bortle 6) of lambda Cyg (STT 413), Minkowski 1-64 & NGC 6765
2018-08-18: observations with my new 152mm refractor under rural skies (Bortle 4) of NGC 891, Minkowski 1-64, NGC 604 & NGC 206
2018-08-14: observed with my 120mm refractor under good suburban conditions Messier 11
2018-07-29: observed with my 120mm refractor under rural conditions Minkowski 1-64 & NGC 6765 (both not seen), U Lyr, NGC 6791 & Messier 56 and the double star pi Aql (= STF2583 AB)
2018-07-07: observations with 70mm and 55mm refractor under urban conditions of Messier 57, Messier 13 & NGC 6207
2018-07-06: added observations with my 120mm refractor of BD+47 2234, SY CVn, V CrB and the double stars STF 1834, STF 1964, STF 1965 (zeta 2 CrB), STF 1973, STFA 28 (mu 1 Boo) & STT 298
2018-06-17: Skyguide 2018 II (Summer) released
2018-05-21: did some further observations mainly of galaxies under suburban skies (Bortle 6) with my 120mm refractor: NGC 3735, NGC 4125, NGC 4128, NGC 4210, NGC 4221, NGC 4236, NGC 4256, NGC 4332 and the double star STF 1626
2018-05-09: observations under suburban skies (Bortle 6) with my 8 inch Dobsonian of Messier 51 & NGC 5195 (= Arp 85), NGC 4145 (sketch), NGC 4151 & NGC 6207 (sketch)
2018-05-07: observations under pretty dark skies (Bortle 3) with my 8 inch Dobsonian of Haro 4-1 (not seen), NGC 4854 & NGC 6210
2018-04-11: observations under urban conditions (Bortle 6-) with my 120mm refractor of Arp 85 (Messier 51 & NGC 5195, sketch), Arp 94 (NGC 3226/7, sketch), NGC 3231 (sketch), gamma Leo & epsilon Boo (Izar, with 60mm aperture, sketch)
2018-04-11: observations under urban conditions (Bortle 6-) with my 120mm refractor of Arp 162 (NGC 3414), Arp 280 (NGC 3769), NGC 3486, NGC 3504, NGC 3510, NGC 4062, NGC 4136, NGC 4150, NGC 4203 & NGC 4559
2018-04-11: observations under dark skies (Bortle 4) with my 120mm refractor of epsilon Bootis (Izar), Lalande 21185 (Red dwarf), Messier 13, Messier 53 & NGC 5053, NGC 2964, NGC 2968, NGC 2970, NGC 3067, NGC 3432 (Arp 206, sketch), NGC 3652, Arp 294 (NGC 3786 & 3788), NGC 4151 (Eye of Sauron, sketch), Hickson 61 (The Box), NGC 4244 (sketch), Arp 269 (NGC 4485 & 4490) & UGC 5829 (The Spider Galaxy)
2018-04-09: observations with my 120mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies of the galaxies NGC 3665, NGC 3675, NGC 3726, NGC 3877, NGC 3893, NGC 3941, NGC 4151 (Eye of Sauron), NGC 4244 & NGC 4490
2018-04-08: observations with my 70mm refractor under Bortle 6 skies of Messier 13, Messier 51 & NGC 5195, NGC 3521 & U Hya
2018-04-08: observations with my 120mm refractor under urban skies of NGC 2964 & NGC 2968, STF 1344, STF 1374, STF 1443 & STF 1459
2018-04-07: Skyguide 2018 I (Spring) released
2018-03-05: observations with my 120mm refractor under rural skies of NGC 2537 (Bear's Paw Galaxy), IC 2233 (failed), UGC 3714 & UGC 3697 (Integral Sign Galaxy, failed)
2018-02-26: observed the double stars STF 932 & STF 1275 with my 70mm ED refractor
2018-02-26: observations with my 70mm ED refractor under urban conditions (Bortle 6) of NGC 2392 (Eskimo Nebula) and the double stars xi UMa, Castor & Alnitak
2018-02-25: observations with my 70mm ED refractor under Bortle-6 skies of NGC 2392 (Eskimo Nebula) & NGC 2903
2018-02-25: observations with my 120mm refractor under Bortle-6 skies of NGC 1999, Messier 48, NGC 1664, NGC 1798, NGC 1857 & xi UMa
2018-02-25: observations with my 120mm refractor under Bortle-6 skies of NGC 2261 (I used also apertures of 70mm and 60mm!) and STF 742
2018-02-25: observations with my 70mm ED refractor under urban conditions of NGC 1999 and the carbon stars AB Gem, BM Gem, BU Gem, CR Gem, DH Gem, NQ Gem & R Gem
2018-02-25: observation with my 120mm refractor of HJ 3945
2018-02-25: observation with my 70mm ED refractor of RT Ori
2018-02-25: observations under urban conditions (Bortle 6) mainly with my 70mm ED refractor of Messier 37 & Messier 78, STF 664, STF 688, STF 700, STF 848, STF 877 & WNC 2
2018-02-10: added observations under rural skies with my 70mm ED refractor of IC 356 (= Arp 213), NGC 7789 & Mira (omicron Cet)
2018-02-09: observation of NGC 1501 & NGC 1502 under urban conditions (Bortle 6-) with my 5 inch refractor
2018-01-12: did observations with my 70mm ED refractor under rural skies (Bortle 4-) of some brighter objects: Messier 1, NGC 1499, Messier 35 & NGC 2158, Messier 78, NGC1501 & NGC 1502 together with STF485 AE (= SZ Cam)
2018-01-07: Skyguide 2017 IV (Winter) released
2017-12-29: I observed under urban conditions with my 70mm ED refractor Messier 43, IC 3568 & STF 1694 and with my 120mm refractor STF 108
2017-11-29: observed double stars with my 70mm ED refractor: ES 4, eta Cas, STF 55 & STF 212
2017-11-28: observed few deepsky objects and double stars with my 70mm ED refractor under urban conditions: Messier 1, Messier 33, Messier 34, 1 Ari (= STF 174), STF 55, STF 163, STF 178 & STF 212
2017-11-28: did some observations under rural conditions with 8 inch Dobsonian and 120mm refractor:
- Planetary Nebulas: Abell 3 (failed), Abell 4 (failed with 120mm refractor), PK 111-2.1 & PK 119+0.1 (failed)
- Clusters: King 14, King 20, Messier 52 (with 120mm refractor), NGC 133 & NGC 146
- Galaxies: NGC 980, NGC 982, NGC 995, NGC 996, NGC 999, NGC 1003, NGC 1040 (= NGC 1053), NGC 1077, NGC 1086, NGC 1106, NGC 1122 (= NGC 1123), NGC 1129 & UGC 2034 (failed)
2017-11-14: some additional observations with my 70mm ED under urban conditions of Messier 52, Messier 76 & Messier 110
2017-10-25: added the double star H5 82 (AB)
2017-10-23: did some observations of binary stars with my 70mm ED refractor: BU 1 (AC, AD), STF 59, STF 65, STF 105, STF 170 & STF 182 including the orange colored star HD 11844
2017-10-23: observations with 8 inch Dobsonian and 70mm ED refractor of King 11 & King 20 (both not seen), NGC 7762 and the binary stars mu Cyg & STF 2807
2017-10-23: observations mainly with my 8 inch Dobsonian under Bortle 4- skies of NGC 100, NGC 661 (with 16 inch), NGC 1058 (with 16 inch), NGC 7673, NGC 7677, NGC 7678 (= Arp 28), NGC 7712, UGC 148, UGC 12177, UGC 12234, UGC 12591, UGC 12655, UGC 12665 (= Arp 46), UGC 12667 & S Cep,
2017-10-15: further observations with 8 inch Dobsonian and 70mm ED refractor under rural skies of NGC 891, NGC 1528, NGC 6517, NGC 6539, NGC 7413, NGC 7432, STF 33, STF 2807, STF 2845, UGC 12281, UGC 12342 & UGC 12350
2017-10-11: Skyguide 2017 III (Autumn) released
2017-10-11: did some observations with my new Vixen ED 70mm of some double stars: STF 33, STF 162, STF 2767, STF 2799, STF 2974, STF 2990 & STF 3050 (very nice double)
2017-09-24: some observations under dark skies with different telescopes (70mm up to 33 inch Dobsonian): K3-27 (finally seen), NGC 6710, NGC 7479, Pal 13, Kronberger 54, NGC 6700, UGC 11338, Pismis-Moreno 1, Sh2-140 & Messier 82
2017-09-20: small session with my 8 inch Dobsonian under rural skies, where I revisited M1-77 (finally seen) and the galaxies UGC 11368, UGC 11371, UGC 11380, UGC 11404 & UGC 11428
2017-08-14: did a lot of observations the last weeks, mainly with my 8 inch Dobsonian under rural skies:
- objects updated: Abell 39 (finally seen), M2-52 (not seen), NGC 6765, NGC 6487
- new galaxies: NGC 6486, NGC 6518, NGC 6632, NGC 6671 & NGC 6674
- new planetaries: Abell 2, Abell 46, Abell 70, Abell 80 (not seen), M1-73, M1-74, M1-77 (not seen), M1-80, Vy1-1 & Vy1-2, PC22 (PK51-4.1), Hu1-1 (PK119-6.1) & Hu1-2 (PK86-8.1), Merrill 2-2 (PK100-8.1), K3-27 (not seen), Me1-1 (Henize 2-441), DdDm 1 (PK61+41.1), IC 5217 & IC 4997
2017-08-10: added/updated many observations I did with my 8 inch Dobsonian under rural skies this spring; mainly brighter galaxies in Vir (NGC4666, NGC4684, NGC4753, NGC4772, NGC4845, NGC4900, NGC5324, NGC5476, NGC5493 & Arp 271), NGC5529, NGC5557, Arp 199 and the prominent globular clusters M 10, M 12 & M 14
2017-08-06: further observations under dark skies with 8 inch of Hickson 53, Arp 87 & Arp 301, NGC 3588, NGC 3646, NGC 3650, NGC 3832, UGC 6253 (Leo II, not seen) & UGC 6332 and some more galaxies in Leo
2017-08-03: successfully observed Hickson 57 (Copeland's Septet, Arp 320) & PGC 83477 under dark skies with my 8 inch and a borrowed 16 inch Dobsonian
2017-08-01: did observations with my 8x40 binoculars under suburban skies of some brighter objects, but mostly failed: NGC 3242 (Ghost of Jupiter), M 65, M 66, M 95, M 96, M 105 & NGC 3115,
2017-07-30: new observations with my 8 inch Dobsonian under dark skies of IC 2329, IC 2428, NGC 2510, NGC 2511, NGC 2731 (new), NGC 3242 (Ghost of Jupiter, new), UGC 4171, UGC 4198 (new) & UGC 4550
2017-07-25: Skyguide 2017 II (Summer) released
2017-06-28: in March I did some further observations under Bortle-4 skies with my 8 inch Dobsonian, so I added 15 new galaxies mainly from Cnc, for instance IC 2340 & IC 2393, MCG+2-21-5 & MCG+2-21-10, NGC 2513, NGC 2581, PGC 22621 and UGC 4171 & UGC 4197
2017-06-07: added/updated observations under Bortle-6 skies with 8 inch Dobsonian of NGC 1160, NGC 1161, NGC 1169 & IC 257
2017-05-31: added observations with 8x40 binoculars under rural skies of NGC 2204, NGC 2215, NGC 2158, NGC 1981 & R Lep (Hind's Crimson Star)
2017-05-29: did some observations under Bortle-6 skies with my 8 inch Dobsonian and added 6 new galaxies in Cam (NGC 2347, NGC 2366, IC 2179, UGC 3511, UGC 3642 & UGC 3660) and revisited some others (NGC 2403, NGC 2537, IC 2233, UGC 3580, UGC 3697 (Integral Sign Galaxy), UGC 3714 & UGC 3804)
2017-04-18: updated/added observations with 120mm refractor and naked eye under suburban conditions of STF 222, STF 245, Messier 37 and NGC 869 & NGC 884
2017-04-14: Skyguide 2017 I (Spring) released
2017-03-03: added 20 new galaxies in Tri and Barnard's Loop, Maffei 1 (both unfortunately not seen), updated also some galaxies like IC 163 & IC 167 (Arp 31) or NGC 973
2017-01-21: Skyguide 2016 IV (Winter) released
2017-01-09: some further observations with my 120mm refractor under suburban conditions of NGC 891, NGC 1193, NGC 1499, NGC 1514 and the three double stars STF 401, STF 427 & STFA 7
2016-11-07: revisited under very good Bortle 6 sky with my 8 inch Dobsonian the galaxies NGC 891 (highly recommendable), NGC 147, NGC 185, NGC 278 and the carbon star WZ Cas
2016-11-07: added over 10 new carbon stars mainly from Cyg & Lac, for instance CT Lac, DV Lac, V1426 Cyg & LQ Cyg
2016-10-11: Skyguide 2016 III (Autumn) released
2016-10-11: added several new objects and observations with different apertures:
- Planetary Nebulas: Abell 4, Abell 75 (NGC 7076), Abell 72, Abell 78, Abell 79, Abell 81 (IC 1454), Abell 84, K4-8, NGC 246, NGC 6833
- Galaxies: NGC 891, Arp 113 (NGC 70 Group), Arp 135 (NGC 1023 & NGC 1023A), UGC 3403, UGC 3422, UGC 3426, UGC 11082 & UGC 11097
- Clusters and Asterisms: Leiter 5 & AI J1933 7+1147, NGC 7245 & King 9, King 10
2016-09-09: added Minkowski 2-55, Abell 39 & Abell 81, UGC 10528, NGC 6020, NGC 6060, Webb 2, Roslund 5 and STF2280
2016-09-01: observations with the 120mm refractor under urban skies of Messier 22, NGC 6537, NGC 6629, NGC 6642, NGC 6818, NGC 6822, the Cirrus complex (Eastern Veil, Western Veil & Pickering's Triangular Wisp) and some further objects
2016-08-31: further observations of planetary nebula with 8 inch Dobsonian under rural skies like Abell 55, Abell 61 & Abell 62, Minkowski 4-17, NGC 6742, Peimbert-Batiz 9 or Sh2-71 (recommendation), the faint galaxy NGC 6783, the asterism Leiter 15 and the open clusters Berkeley 80 & Berkeley 81
2016-08-29: mainly observations with the 120mm refractor under rural skies of 11 new planetary nebula (e.g. Abell 78, Abell 82, Henize 1-4, IC 4593, NGC 6741 or NGC 6807), two new galaxies (NGC 7052 & NGC 7053), NGC 404 (Mirach's Ghost; observation also with only 53mm aperture) and the edge-on galaxy NGC 891
2016-08-29: observed the open clusters IC 1434, King 9 (not surely seen), NGC 7044, NGC 7086, NGC 7226, NGC 7245 & Roslund 3 with the 120mm refractor under Bortle 6 sky
2016-08-28: observation of NGC 7008 with the 120mm refractor under Bortle 6 sky
2016-08-24: first observations with the 120mm refractor under urban sky of the planetaries NGC 6772 & NGC 6790, the globular cluster NGC 6760 and the open cluster NGC 6756 and revisited V Aql & NGC 6781
2016-08-22: added 36 open clusters mainly based on earlier observations
2016-08-19: observations wit 8 inch under suburban conditions of M 57, M 106, NGC 4026, NGC 4220 & Pickering's Triangular Wisp (Veil Nebula) and the new galaxies NGC 4047, NGC 4085, NGC 4088 (Arp 18), NGC 4100, NGC 4157 & NGC 4357 (NGC 4381)
2016-08-18: added observations with my 120mm refractor of Messier 3, Messier 13 & Messier 104 and the planetary nebula NGC 4361 plus the asterisms Pothier 11 & Stargate
2016-08-18: added 21 galaxies in Corona Borealis and the open cluster DoDz 5
2016-08-16: revisited the Draco Triplet ( NGC 5981, NGC 5982 & NGC 5985) and NGC 5987 & NGC 5989 and added some other fainter galaxies in Draco like UGC 9837 and my first galaxies in Corona Borealis
2016-08-15: added several observations mainly done with the 80mm refractor: U Cyg, HK Lyr, U Lyr & S Cep, NGC 6939, M 29, M 13 & M 71, NGC 6946, NGC 7008, M 27 & M 57 and the Veil Nebula (NGC 6960 & NGC 6992/5)
2016-08-12: added 18 galaxies like NGC 3310 (Arp 217), NGC 3448 (Arp 205), NGC 3501, NGC 3507, NGC 4291 & NGC 4750
2016-07-10: Skyguide 2016 II (Summer) released
2016-05-12: first observation of the open cluster Upgren 1 in CVn with binoculars
2016-05-11: some additional observations with my 120mm refractor from the city of NGC 4216, NGC 4206, NGC 4437 (= NGC 4517) & SS Vir
2016-05-10: added more than 10 partly new observations of galaxies in Cnc and Leo like Hickson 37, NGC 2824, UGC 4869, UGC 5470 (Leo I) & NGC 2862
2016-04-12: Skyguide 2016 I (Spring) released
2016-03-28: added over 30 open clusters (based on earlier observations) and some newly observed objects like MCG-1-24-1, NGC 2346, NGC 2718, NGC 2775, NGC 2967 or NGC 3044
2016-03-10: further observations with the 120mm f/5 refractor of the planetaries Abell 12, NGC 2438, NGC 2440 (very bright), the open clusters Messier 46, Messier 47, Messier 48, NGC 2506 (very nice), NGC 2539, and the galaxies NGC 2525, MCG 1-24-1 (unfortunately not seen) & NGC 3044
2016-02-27: observed with 8 inch Dobsonian the open clusters Berkeley 21, Berkeley 22 & Berkeley 72, some galaxies in Cam like IC 334 & IC 356, NGC 1530 or the quite interesting galaxies NGC 1560 & NGC 2146, the double star STF 742 near Messier 1 (Crab Nebula) and some further objects
2016-02-12: observations with 120mm refractor at full moon from city of NGC 4589, NGC 4750, Messier 81 & Messier 82
2016-01-22: observations with 120mm refractor from city at nearly full moon of the galaxy NGC 2841 and the new carbon stars W CMi, R CMi (looks promising), HD 85066, DH UMa & MT Hya
2016-01-21: observed some new carbon stars with my new 120mm f/5 refractor: V346 Aur & V348 Aur, TX Aur, HD 30443, S Cam, ST Cam and S Aur & UV Aur
2016-01.21: observations with the 80mm refractor under urban conditions of RT Ori (carbon star), NGC 2022 (Collarbone Nebula), the open clusters NGC 2169 & NGC 2158 and Messier 82 (visible structures)
2016-01-20: update of some observation notes of galaxies in And (e.g. UGC 1837, UGC 1841 & UGC 1859) and the new objects 1 Ari (double star), IC 443 (supernova remnant) and Collinder 89 (open cluster)
2016-01-19: some further observation notes of the planetaries Minkowski 2-51 & Minkowski 2-52 (still not seen) and of the clusters NGC 7261 & NGC 7281
2016-01-19: updated observations of 7 carbon stars in Cas (UX Cas, WW Cas, X Cas, ...) and the open cluster NGC 663 done with my 80mm refractor
2016-01-19: added observations done under urban conditions with 8 inch of the planetary nebulas Minkowski 2-51 & Minkowski 2-52 (unfortunately not seen) and of the open clusters NGC 7235, NGC 7261 and NGC 7281
2016-01-18: added more than ten galaxies mainly in Cygnus like IC 1302, IC 1392, UGC 11466 or UGC 11492 and updated some further observation notes
2016-01-11: Skyguide 2015 IV (Winter) released
2015-12-30: added some galaxies in Equuleus (e.g. NGC 7015, NGC 7040 and NGC 7046) and the planetary M1-92 (Minkowski 1-92, Footprint Nebula)
2015-11-24: many, partly new observations of galaxies in Lyr (NGC 6692 & NGC 6713), Del (NGC 6917, UGC 11587, UGC 11599, ...) and Peg (Hickson 92 - separation of NGC7318A/B with 8 inch) and of PK64+15.1 (Minkowski 1-64), IC 5006 and NGC 6891
2015-11-04: Skyguide 2015 III (Autumn) released
2015-10-30: updated observations and added mainly galaxies, for instance Arp 78 (NGC 770 & NGC 772), UGC 1546, UGC 1551, UGC 1561, NGC 255 and NGC 309 plus the planetary NGC 246
2015-10-28: added the quite interesting asterisms French 1 (The Toadstool) and NGC 7134 (The Glum Cyclops) and updated the observation notes of the planetary IC 5117 and of the galaxy NGC 7025
2015-10-27: observations of some galaxies near Messier 13 (NGC 6194, NGC 6196, NGC 6197 & IC 4614), NGC 6255, the globular cluster NGC 6712 and the planetary IC 1295, Messier 33 and the successful observation with 4.5 inch of Hickson 92 (Stephan's Quintet) and NGC 7339
2015-10-14: added observations with 8 inch under Bortle 3 sky of the galaxy cluster Abell 347 near NGC 891 such as NGC 906, NGC 914 or NGC 923 and the open clusters NGC 1647 and NGC 1662
2015-10-13: added some observations with 4.5 inch under urban conditions of NGC 7332 & NGC 7339, NGC 7080, NGC 7137, NGC 7457 and the Veil Nebula (NGC 6992/5 & NGC 6960)
2015-10-11: updated some observations and added objects such as NGC 6745, Messier 15, NGC 7094 (nice planetary near Messier 15), IC 10, NGC 752, NGC 6894 & PK 64+5.1 (Campbell's Hydrogen Star)
2015-10-07: observations of some new galaxies in Del/Aql; I also observed again the Herbig-Haro object GM1-29 (HH 215) with success
2015-10-03: observations of the galaxies NGC 5963 & NGC 5965 with 4.5 inch, the orange colored RR UMi with 8x40 binoculars and U Lyr with the 8 inch Dobsonian
2015-10-03: observations of the galaxies Messier 102, NGC 5879, NGC 5905, NGC 5906/5907 and NGC 5908 with 80mm & 114mm aperture
2015-10-02: added the asterisms 7 Sisters of the Pole & Diamond Ring and the nice double star STTA 254
2015-10-01: observations of Messier 8, Messier 16, Messier 17, Messier 18, Messier 22, Messier 23, Messier 24, Messier 25, Messier 28, NGC 6709 and the dark nebula Barnard 111 & 119a with 8x40 binoculars under rural conditions; I also tried the globular clusters NGC 6517, NGC 6535 & NGC 6539 without any success
2015-09-29: some more observations with 80mm aperture of objects like Messier 92 & NGC 6229, NGC 6210, Messier 57, Veil Nebula (NGC 6992/5 & IC 1340, NGC 6960), NGC 6819 & NGC 6791
2015-09-14: some observations at full moon, for example of NGC 6766 (= NGC6884), NGC 7026 (Cheeseburger Nebula), NGC 7048 and the less successful attempts of PK 80-6.1 (Egg Nebula) and IC 5117
2015-09-15: NGC 4490 & NGC 4631 with binoculars and several galaxies around Messier 5 with 8 inch, including IC 1066 & IC 1067, NGC 5775, NGC 5838 and NGC 5850
2015-09-11: observations with 4.5 inch from city of many galaxies in Com/Vir like Messier 58, Arp 23 (NGC4618 & NGC4625), Arp 85 (Messier 51 & NGC 5195), Arp 116 (Messier 60 & NGC 4647), Arp 269 (NGC 4485 & NGC 4490) or NGC 4762
2015-09-08: observations from city with binoculars of NGC 2403, Messier 81 & Messier 82, Messier 94, Messier 63, NGC 4449, Messier 106, Messier 51, Messier 101 and the double stars μ Boo, STFA 24 (AB) (15 & 17 CVn) and 41 Lyn
2015-09-07: some observations from city with small aperture (80mm) of the globular clusters NGC 4147 & NGC 5634 and the galaxies Messier 98, Messier 99 and Messier 100
2015-09-06: added the first quasar 3C273 and the quite faint planetary nebula Abell 33 - both successfully observed in April this year; updated & added several observations of galaxies (mainly in Vir) including NGC 3115B, NGC 4437 (= NGC 4517), NGC 4522, NGC 4567 & NGC 4568 (Siamese Twins), NGC 4607, Arp 116 (Messier 60 & NGC 4647) and NGC 4762 (recommendation)
2015-08-27: added over 15 galaxies (Com/Vir) and updated observation notes (for example NGC 4571, NGC 4634, NGC 4654, NGC 4710, NGC 4866, NGC 5020)
2015-08-21: besides the binary star 24 Com and the globular cluster NGC 4147 I've added more than 20 new galaxies from Com, for example Messier 85, NGC 4293, NGC 4340 & NGC 4350, NGC 4394, NGC 4450 and NGC 4651 (= Arp 189)
2015-08-18: Skyguide 2015 II (Summer) released
2015-05-19: some minor updates (for example UGC 4526 -> finally seen) including the three new galaxies NGC 2802 & NGC 2803 (both unfortunately not seen) and NGC 2819
2015-04-26: Skyguide 2015 I (Spring) released
2015-04-22: added at least 20 more, partly newly observed galaxies, for example the Arp galaxies or groups Arp 232, Arp 264, Arp 270 & Arp 307 and NGC 3074, NGC 3184 plus the fairly bright galaxies NGC 3413, NGC 3424 & NGC 3430
2015-04-21: over 20 new galaxies mainly in Cnc & LMi, including the galaxy pair NGC 2794 / NGC 2795 and also NGC 2974, NGC 3003, NGC 3115, NGC 3126, NGC 3254, NGC 3344, NGC 3414 (Arp 162) & NGC 3510
2015-03-27: new & successful attempt of NGC 1875 (Hickson 34) and partly successfully observed background galaxies in Messier 44 ( NGC 2624, NGC 2625, NGC 2643, NGC 2647 & UGC 4526) with 8 inch aperture (I will update "Worthwhile Regions of the Sky" later)
2015-03-23: Observations in moon shine with my 4.5 inch Newtonian of NGC 2360 (OC), NGC 2359 (BN, Thor's Helmet) and the rather low standing Messier 53 (GC)
2015-03-02: added observations of NGC 1875 (Hickson 34, Arp 327 - not seen), NGC 1819, NGC 2169 (OC), NGC 2194 (OC), NGC 2360 (OC), NGC 2359 (Thor's Helmet), NGC 2423 (OC), NGC 2438 (PN, updated) & UGC 3876
2015-02-15: observation of 6 rather faint galaxies in Gem (NGC 2365, IC 2186 & IC 2187, UGC 3803, UGC 3827, UGC 3873) and of Messier 67 & Messier 76
2015-02-24: some new galaxies in Andromeda and observations of NGC 2022 (PN), Abell 21 (Medusanebel) and the galaxies UGC 3995, IC 2201 as well as NGC 2288 & NGC 2389
2015-02-23: besides other new galaxies further observations of NGC 2410 and the 4 galaxies IC 2193, IC 2194, IC 2196 & IC 2199 near Castor and the interesting galaxies NGC 828, NGC 1156 and Arp 273
2015-02-10: among others some further observations mainly with 8x40 binoculars and 4.5 inch Newtonian mostly under urban skies of the open clusters M35 - M38, NGC1907, the carbon stars W, WW & X Cas and R Lep and the planetary NGC1514 (with 4.5 inch from city)
2014-01-20: complete rework of all observed galaxies of the Hickson & Arp Catalogue
2014-12-24: Skyguide 2014 IV (Winter) released
2014-11-29: observations with 8 & 4.5 inch Newtonian and 80mm FH under rural and suburban conditions of Arp 276 (NGC 935 & IC 1801 (new)), NGC 918 (new), NGC 924 (new), NGC 930/932, NGC 938 (new), NGC 976 (new), NGC 992 (new), NGC 1030 (new) & NGC 1036 (new), NGC 1497 (new), Pal 2 (new), B 26 (new), vdB 31 (new), NGC 7240 , NGC 7242 and the nearby galaxies IC 1441 (new), IC 5191 (new) & IC 5193 (new), NGC 7263 & NGC 7265, the planetary nebulas NGC 1514 & IC 1747 and NGC 1023, M 38 & NGC 1907
2014-11-19: observations with 8 inch Dobsonian of the galaxies IC 5180 (new), NGC 7223, NGC 7227, NGC 7228, NGC 7240 (new), NGC 7242, NGC 7330 (new), NGC 7497, NGC 7547, NGC 7549, NGC 7550, NGC 7578A & NGC 7578B, UGC 11919 (new), UGC 11927 (new) & UGC 11950 (new)
2014-11-18: further observations with 8x40 binoculars and 8 inch Dobsonian of Melotte 20 (new), NGC 1528, Stock 2 (new), NGC 129 (new), NGC 1023, NGC 891, NGC 7331 and the new galaxies NGC 489, NGC 502, NGC 509, NGC 511, NGC 516, NGC 518, NGC 522, NGC 524, NGC 525, NGC 532 & NGC 569
2014-11-01: several observations with my 8 inch Dobsonian and 8x40 binoculars of FR Cas and the double star zeta Psc, the open clusters M 36, M 37, M 38, M 44, NGC 1647 (new), the bright nebula M 1, M 78 and the Herbig-Haro Object HH 164 (new) and the new galaxies NGC 332, NGC 435, NGC 437, NGC 455, NGC 467, NGC 470, NGC 474, NGC 485, NGC 488, NGC 520, NGC 521, NGC 533, NGC 550, NGC 631, NGC 632, NGC 930, NGC 935, NGC 962, NGC 1012, NGC 1056 & IC 1613 (Local Group) and further observations of the galaxies NGC 736, NGC 740, NGC 750 & NGC 751, NGC 807, NGC 953 & NGC 972
2014-10-27: observations with 8x40 binoculars of M 36, M 37, M 38 & NGC 1907, NGC 6940 (new), Hyaden (new) and with 8 inch of the objects vdB 1 (new) and the galaxies NGC 63 (new), NGC 95 (new), NGC 105 (new), NGC 137 (new), NGC 278, NGC 735 (new), NGC 736/7, NGC 740 (new), NGC 750 & NGC 751, IC 10 (new, Local Group), IC 65, UGC 191 (new), UGC 260 (new), UGC 622 (new) and UGC 1281
2014-10-21: observations from city with 4.5 inch of M 15 and the carbon stars AQ And, ST And, SU And, VX And
2014-10-12: further observations of NGC 6616, Hickson 88, UGC 14, UGC 12914, UGC 12915, NGC 7332 & NGC 7339, NGC 891 (with 4.5 inch), NGC 784, NGC 672 & IC 1727, NGC 670 (new), NGC 684, UGC 1281 (new), GM1-29, NGC 750 & NGC 751 (new), NGC 761 (new), NGC 739 (new), NGC 2403 (new)
2014-10-08: Galaxies of the Local Group, Messier 76 (at almost full moon) with 4.5 inch, another observation of S Cep
2014-09-19: observations of NGC 6585, NGC 6641, NGC 6616, UGC 14, UGC 12914 and UGC 12915
2014-09-13: Skyguide 2014 III (Autumn) released
2014-09-07: further observations, mainly with binoculars (Messier 15, V Aql, NGC 7662, NGC 188, Messier 33, NGC 752, Messier 34). I also tried with my 8 inch Dobsonian the galaxy UGC 11415 again, but without success.
2014-08-23: 3 new objects (Kemble 2, UGC 11415, NGC 6939) and some further observations of 11 objects (NGC 6654, NGC 6654A, NGC 6643, NGC 6651, NGC 6786, Messier 31, Messier 32, Messier 110, GM1-29, NGC 6946 and NGC 7000)
22 open clusters added including some more visual descriptions
added nearly all observations of bright nebula (highlight: GM1-29) and the Planetary Nebula PK128-4.1, which I couldn't see, now available
observations of NGC7027 (PN), NGC6572 (PN), Veil Nebula (BN), NGC6535 (GC), M71 (GC), NGC7789 (OC) and NGC663 (OC) with 8 inch f/6 Dobsonian and 8x40 binoculars
another observation of carbon star C*2801 (visible, but without color)
all observed planetaries are available
listet all observed carbon & red stars
some more observations with 8x40 binoculars, for example Veil Nebula, NGC6811, NGC6819, NGC6229, ...
first pictures of my equipment
added some open clusters and updated the observation hints
added all observed asterisms
added all observed globular clusters (including Mayall II in M31)
added a new page with quite interesting regions of the sky
an additional observation of NGC3656 (Arp155) (UMa)
initial observation of Hickson 56 (UMa)
observation of NGC2814 (v13.7m)
Hickson 61 (The Box): All four members seen with 8 inch! Also the nearby UGC7221 (v14.5m).
added a list of quite thin galaxies
observations of M3, NGC2805 & NGC2820 (recommendation!), M49 & NGC4526 and some other objects
observations of background galaxies in M44, even though only NGC2647 was visible (NGC2624, NGC2625, NGC2643, NGC2647, UGC4526)
additional observations of UGC3445/3446, Leo Triplet and Hickson 44