- Double Stars (Lyn) -

And (61) Cep (39) Cyg (106) Leo (38) Peg (51) Sgr (12)
Aql (73) Cet (9) Del (17) Lep (7) Per (55) Tau (35)
Aqr (14) CMa (10) Dra (45) Lib (4) Psc (19) Tri (13)
Ari (16) CMi (3) Equ (9) LMi (6) Pup (4) UMa (50)
Aur (34) Cnc (19) Eri (10) Lyn (18) Sco (5) UMi (6)
Boo (32) Com (13) Gem (39) Lyr (33) Sct (5) Vir (26)
Cam (30) CrB (10) Her (74) Mon (14) Ser (22) Vul (19)
Cap (9) Crv (5) Hya (11) Oph (19) Sex (6)
Cas (49) CVn (15) Lac (13) Ori (54) Sge (11)

A 1575 (**)

Name: A1575
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h03m01.14s / +54°02'55.40"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
8m.6 9m.3 0.8" 283° 2016
Robert Zebahl
102mm f/11, 160x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
Not clearly visible as double star.

152mm f/5.9, 225x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
2020-03-23: At 225x and 300x clearly elongated, partly seen as figure '8'.

ES 593 (**)

Name: ES593
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 08h16m42.64s / +40°53'13.90"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 9m.3 10m.9 20.9" 345° 2019
AC 9m.3 11m.3 17.8" 334° 2017
BC 9m.9 10m.1 4.7" 211° 2020
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 100x, Bortle 6, NELM 5m.0+
2020-04-14: At 100x and 133x, the pair AB is easy to separate, whereas B appeared pretty faint. On closer look the pair BC appeared slightly elongated.

STF 946 (**)

Name: STF946
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 06h44m51.62s / +59°26'57.40"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
7m.3 9m.1 4.0" 129° 2019
Robert Zebahl
102mm f/11, 86x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
Easy to split with noticeable difference in brightness. Very nice view together with the triple system STF 948 in one field of view!


152mm f/5.9, 100x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
At 100x and 129x easy to separate, quite uneven. Primary component appeared yellowish, the fainter one rather greyish. Fantastic view together with 12 Lyn (STF 948) in one field of view!

STF 948 (**)

Name: STF948, 12 Lyn
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 06h46m14.15s / +59°26'30.10"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 5m.4 6m.0 1.9" 65° 2020
AC 5m.4 7m.0 8.9" 309° 2019


Robert Zebahl
102mm f/11, 129x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
At 28x the pair AC is nicely separated without any problems. The close pair AB is already recognizable at 86x as a clear figure '8', at 125x wonderfully separated. The components A & B appear yellowish. Very nice view together with STF 946 in one field of view!


152mm f/5.9, 129x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
At 49x the pair AC is beautifully separated with a significant difference in brightness. At 100x, the close pair AB is also separated, although still very close together. A slight difference in brightness is noticeable. At 129x, the view is magnificent. The two bright components A & B present themselves yellowish, the fainter component C rather greyish. STF 948 can be well observed in a field of view with the neighbouring double star STF 946. Both show a nice overall scenery.

55mm f/9.1, 167x
AB: Components A and B separated, whereby the Airy disks slightly overlap. The difference in brightness was well visible.


63mm f/13.3, 140x
AB: Components A and B split with almost no space in between. The difference in brightness was visible.


70mm f/5.7, 133x
AB: Both components A + B clearly split, whereby the diffraction rings where merged together. A very nice view together with component C. I sketched this triplet, which reflects my impression well. Unfortunately, the distance and position angle are not particularly well observed. Also the difference in brightness I didn't noticed during my observation.


55mm f/9.1, 27x
AC: Components A/B and C well separated, but tight. Significant difference in brightness. The fainter C companion appeared slightly orange, the brighter one white-bluish.

70mm f/5.7, 22x
AC: Well split, relatively close together with significant difference in brightness.

STF 958 (**)

Name: STF958
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 06h48m12.29s / +55°42'15.10"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 6m.3 6m.3 4.5" 77° 2021


Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 33x
Clearly split, equally bright, close together. Nice view.

102mm f/11, 62x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
Very nicely split. Both components appear similarly bright and white-yellowish.

STF 1001 (**)

Name: STF1001
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h03m05.51s / +54°10'26.60"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 7m.8 9m.4 9.1" 66° 2019
AC 7m.8 9m.3 9.9" 58° 2019
BC 9m.4 9m.3 1.6" 2019
Robert Zebahl
102mm f/11, 160x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
2020-03-23: At 28x the pair A-BC is easy to separate. At 160x, the very close pair BC shows split. The component A appears slightly orange.

152mm f/5.9, 129x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
2020-03-23: At 22x, the wide pair A-BC already appears separated, but still very tight. At 69x, A appears in a subtle orange. The pair BC shows elongated and rather greenish-bluish. At 100x BC is already visible as figure '8' and almost separated, at 129x clearly separated. Components B and C are still very close together and equally bright. The color impression remains. An interesting and rewarding triple system!


STF 1009 (**)

Name: STF1009
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h05m39.83s / +52°45'31.30"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 6m.9 7m.0 4.4" 148° 2019
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 33x
Very nice view. Equally bright components, tight.

STF 1033 (**)

Name: STF1033
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h14m48.05s / +52°32'44.10"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 7m.8 8m.4 1.5" 277° 2017
AC 7m.8 10m.2 79.3" 273° 2017
Robert Zebahl
102mm f/11, 160x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
The pair AB appears clearly separated, but still pretty tight with a well visible difference in brightness. The faint C component is wide apart at a similar position angle.


STF 1050 (**)

Name: STF1050
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h19m51.29s / +54°55'18.40"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 8m.1 8m.8 19.4" 21° 2020
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 22x
Rather faint, obviously split with visible difference in brightness. View similar to STF 1062.

102mm f/11, 28x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0


STF 1062 (**)

Name: STF1062, 19 Lyn
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h22m52.06s / +55°16'53.30"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 5m.8 6m.7 13.8" 317° 2019
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 22x
Clearly separated, moderate distance, noticeable difference in brightness. The colors seemed different, but not exactly definable.

102mm f/11, 28x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0


152mm f/5.9, 22x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
Easy to separate, but still quite close together with visible difference in brightness. Color wise unremarkable.

STF 1065 (**)

Name: STF1065, 20 Lyn
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h22m15.11s / +50°08'55.70"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
7m.5 7m.7 15.1" 256° 2018
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 22x
Nicely split, moderate distance, similarly bright.

STF 1282 (**)

Name: STF1282
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 08h50m44.28s / +35°04'15.40"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 7m.6 7m.8 3.5" 279° 2019


Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 57x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
Clearly separated, but close together with very little difference in brightness. The double star forms an acute-angled triangle together with two other stars.

STF 1289 (**)

Name: STF1289
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 08h54m44.33s / +43°35'04.70"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
8m.2 8m.9 3.6" 2019
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 57x, Bortle 6, SQM-L 19.4
Quite faint double star, but easy to separate with a noticeable difference in brightness and close components.

STF 1296 (**)

Name: STF1296
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 08h59m16.74s / +34°56'46.90"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
9m.1 9m.9 1.9" 76° 2019
Robert Zebahl
102mm f/11, 160x, Bortle 6-, SQM-L 19.0
Overall quite faint double star, but clearly separated with a moderate difference in brightness. Both components are still pretty close together.

STF 1333 (**)

Name: STF1333
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 09h18m25.97s / +35°21'51.30"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
6m.6 6m.7 1.8" 50° 2018
Robert Zebahl
63mm f/13.3, 120x
At 93x seen as '8', at 120x split, but pretty tight with no visible difference in brightness.

STF 1334 (**)

Name: STF1334, 38 Lyn
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 09h18m50.64s / +36°48'09.30"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
AB 3m.9 6m.1 2.6" 224° 2019


Robert Zebahl
63mm f/13.3, 140x
Fainter companion only seen as permanent brightening on the first diffraction ring.


STT 174 (**)

Name: STT174
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 07h35m56.00s / +43°01'51.40"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
6m.6 8m.3 1.9" 92° 2017
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 133x
The obviously fainter component could be permanently seen in the right position angle as brightening on the first diffraction ring.

STT 189 (**)

Name: STT189
Type: **
Constellation: Lyn
Coordinates: 08h14m49.01s / +43°02'05.90"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
6m.9 10m.7 4.7" 298° 2019
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 133x, Bortle 6, NELM 5m.0+
2020-04-14: Not even partially separated.