- Galaxies & Groups (Hya) -

And (109) Cas (7) CVn (109) Hya (4) Oph (3) Sgr (1)
Aql (4) Cep (6) Cyg (21) Lac (20) Ori (4) Tau (1)
Aqr (19) Cet (25) Del (17) Leo (165) Peg (169) Tri (63)
Ari (37) CMa (2) Dra (118) Lep (4) Per (31) UMa (234)
Aur (2) CMi (5) Equ (6) Lib (3) Psc (78) UMi (6)
Boo (44) Cnc (60) Eri (3) LMi (32) Pup (1) Vir (177)
Cam (61) Com (159) Gem (37) Lyn (69) Ser (22) Vul (3)
Cap (2) CrB (31) Her (41) Lyr (22) Sex (15)

MCG-1-24-1 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 8'×8'
Name: MCG-1-24-1, UGCA150
Type: Gx
Constellation: Hya
Coordinates: 09h10m49.46s / -08°53'26.51"
Brightness / Size: 11m.3 / 5.3'×0.9'
Robert Zebahl
120mm f/5, 108x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.5
Towards horizon the sky was unfortunately a bit hazy. At 108x the halo around the 9.43 mag star seemed to be a bit irregular, but I didn't saw the galaxy for sure. I also tried it at 50x and 75x. But I'm pretty sure, that the galaxy could be seen with this aperture under better conditions.

8" f/6, 80x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.5
At 80x obviously oval / slightly elongated shape (NE-SW), getting somewhat brighter toward the middle. At 150x the galaxy appeared very elongated. At both magnifications quite easily seen with averted vision.

René Merting
12.5" f/4.5, 206x, SQM-L 21.3
bei 111x ist die Superthin als zarter langer Schimmer sichtbar, der knapp am Stern vorbei zu zeigen scheint - zur Mitte hin wird die Galaxie heller - kurz vor dem nordöstlichen Ende leuchtet immer etwas stellar auf - bei 206x zeigt sich eine richtig schöne Spindel im Nordosten verzieren zwei Vordergrundsterne die Galaxie

Messier 83 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 14'×14'
Name: Messier 83, M83, NGC5236, UGCA366, Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
Type: Gx
Constellation: Hya
Coordinates: 13h37m00.92s / -29°51'56.74"
Brightness / Size: 7m.5 / 13.1'×12.2'
René Merting
B 10x50, SQM-L 21.0
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 19.5
voll im Lichtsiff - nene, nix zu machen - das probiere ich nochmal an einem besseren Standort

B 16x70, SQM-L 21.0
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 19.5
nicht bei dem Himmel - no way, schade

NGC 2718 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: NGC2718, UGC4707, H2.557
Type: Gx
Constellation: Hya
Coordinates: 08h58m50.46s / +06°17'35.46"
Brightness / Size: 11m.8 / 2.1'×2.1'
Robert Zebahl
8" f/6, 150x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.0
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.6
Fairly faint, less condensed, roundish to slightly oval with declining edges.

NGC 2917 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (red) - 5'×5'
Name: NGC2917, UGC5098
Type: Gx
Constellation: Hya
Coordinates: 09h34m26.86s / -02°30'14.90"
Brightness / Size: 13m.6 / 1.3'×0.4'
Robert Zebahl
8" f/6, 216x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.1
Conditions in the target region: SQM-L 20.3
Glimpsed at 150x as slightly oval brightening. At 216x I could held this galaxy with averted vision, but still very faint, slightly elongated.