- Sketches (Deepsky) (LMi) -

And (2) Cam (10) CVn (8) Hya (1) Per (8) Tau (3)
Aql (8) Cas (17) Cyg (19) Leo (15) Psc (2) Tri (8)
Aqr (2) Cep (14) Dra (12) LMi (4) Sct (1) UMa (11)
Aqu (1) CMa (2) Eri (1) Lyn (9) Sex (2) Vir (1)
Aur (6) Cnc (6) Gem (8) Lyr (5) Sge (4) Vul (1)
Boo (3) Com (2) Her (5) Ori (7) Sgr (2)

42 LMi (**)

Name: 42 LMi
Type: **
Constellation: LMi
Coordinates: 10h45m51.91s / +30°40'56.60"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
S612 AB 5m.3 7m.8 196.4" 174° 2019
ARN3 AC 5m.3 8m.3 424.6" 94° 2013
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 22x, Bortle 6
2020-04-11: Wide, striking triple system, which can be well observed with binoculars. A: quite bright, rather white, B: slightly orange, C: tending to orange.


Arp 206 (GxG)

Image source: DSS I - 20'×20'
Name: Arp206
Type: GxG
Constellation: LMi
Coordinates: 10h52m27.00s / +36°38'00.00"

Group Members:
NGC3432 (UGC5986, H1.172) 11m.3 6.6'×1.6' (43°)
UGC5983 b17m.0 1.2'×1.0' (88°)
The extremely faint companion UGC5983 is located southwest of NGC3432.

Robert Zebahl
120mm f/5, 23x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.3
NGC3432: Already conspicuous at 23x, elongated (NE-SW), almost evenly bright without distinct core. At 48x a fainter field star appeared at the southwestern end.



NGC 3432 (Gx)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 7'×7'
Name: NGC3432, UGC5986, H1.172
Group: Arp206
Type: Gx
Constellation: LMi
Coordinates: 10h52m31.13s / +36°37'07.60"
Brightness / Size: 11m.3 / 6.6'×1.6'
Robert Zebahl
120mm f/5, 23x, Bortle 4, SQM-L 21.3
Already conspicuous at 23x, elongated (NE-SW), almost evenly bright without distinct core. At 48x a fainter field star appeared at the southwestern end.



STTA 104 (**)

Name: STTA104
Type: **
Constellation: LMi
Coordinates: 10h24m22.19s / +34°10'35.00"

m1 m2 ρ θ Year
7m.2 7m.3 209.0" 287° 2013
Robert Zebahl
70mm f/5.7, 22x, Bortle 6
2020-04-11: Very wide pair of similarly bright components, unremarkable color. The double star stands close to the stars 27, 28 & 30 LMi and is probably more appealing in smaller binoculars.


René Merting
B 18x70, SQM-L 21.2
ein schöner Fernglasstern - die beiden gleichhellen Protagonisten sind relativ hell und stehen weit auseinander, sie werden zudem von drei noch helleren Sternen im Süden flankiert - die östliche Komponente strahlt roséweiß, B im Westen warmweiß