- Galaxies of the Arp Catalogue (Ser) -

And (5) Cep (3) CVn (6) Lep (1) Peg (13) Tri (1)
Ari (3) Cet (2) Dra (7) LMi (4) Per (1) UMa (22)
Boo (4) Cnc (2) Gem (1) Lyn (5) Psc (6) UMi (1)
Cam (4) Com (6) Leo (14) Ori (1) Ser (2) Vir (6)

Arp 72 (GxG)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: Arp72
Type: GxG
Constellation: Ser
Coordinates: 15h46m56.00s / +17°53'00.00"

Group Members:
NGC5994 14m.8 0.4'×0.2'
NGC5996 (UGC10033, H2.97) 12m.8 1.7'×0.9' (20°)
The much more fainter NGC5994 is located southwestern of NGC5996.

Robert Zebahl
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4, NELM 6m.1, SQM-L 21.0
I only focused on the brighter NGC5996, which was well seen with averted vision as slightly oval nebula, getting somewhat brighter toward the middle.

Arp 91 (GxG)

Image source: DSS II (blue) - 5'×5'
Name: Arp91
Type: GxG
Constellation: Ser
Coordinates: 15h34m34.00s / +15°12'00.00"

Group Members:
NGC5953 (UGC9903, H2.178) 12m.0 1.6'×1.3' (50°)
NGC5954 (UGC9904, H2.179) 12m.2 1.3'×0.6' (5°)
Robert Zebahl
8" f/6, 200x, Bortle 4
NGC5953: Slightly oval with brighter core. Oval shape comes from nearby NGC5954, which appeared much fainter.

NGC5954: Fairly small & compact. Difficult to separate from nearby NGC5993. Barely seen with averted vision.

A more detailed observation of this galaxy pair will follow.